2/08/2009 02:37:00 AM

Week 5 - Futures of Literacy (Modes)

Based on this illustration we can see two materiality of mode in play - logic of time and logic of space.

In the girl’s speech bubble, we can see how the instructions are given in a sequential manner before meaning can be made. The instructions given has to be followed from Step 1 to the next step in a sequence in order for the plane to be successfully constructed.

However, in the boy’s speech bubble, the visual element seems to depict that of a spatial distribution. The construction of the plane model does not follow any sequence and allow the person to choose from where to begin and end.

Since each mode has a functional specialization, it is important to select the best mode in order to optimize meaning making. For example, in most advertisements, the employment of the use of both text and visuals – multimodality, allows the text maker to achieve greater engagement with the reader.

These 2 images show how the different mode of logics are used.


Alen said...

Hey, I think the images you've posted in your entry are really good for illustrating different modalities used.

Actually, the use of space in print advertisements has been widely researched, & they have been said to provide certain functions in conveying what the advertisers intend to. In this sense, we can actually say there is definitely some form of genre existing, as we see, for example, that anything positioned on the left side of an image is considered as "the given" while anything on the right side is seen as "new information". Anything on the top half is considered "the ideal" while anything at the bottom half is seen "the reality".